
At Anasia, we offer more than a job. We provide a long-term career and a chance to make a real difference. Whether it is in Sales, Customers Service, Accounting, Marketing, Logistics, HR, Admin or IT, we offer you an opportunity to grow the business and achieve personal success.

ANASIA is a firm where you will be expected to work hard, challenge yourself every day and provide our clients with service that is unmatched in its dedication to their needs. You will also receive the best training in the industry, have an opportunity where client responsibility and contact will come to you early in your career, and experience the thrill of delivering difficult work that is done well. We can achieve these standards because we demand excellence while recognizing that our employees are most effective when they enjoy a reasonable quality of life as well.

It takes work to find the right balance, and everyone does it differently, but at ANASIA we value the importance of all aspects of our employees’ lives. That is why our highly accomplished professionals choose ANASIA over many other opportunities for employment – and stay to make their careers here.

Core Qualifications

Productive Attitude

Think –Talk – Act – Interact – Be Confident – Be Enthusiastic – Overcome Fears

Being Positive in the workplace is extremely important for career builder newbies to turn in work that goes beyond expectations. Positive thinking is a mental attitude. What we think affects how we behave. It is therefore essential for us to begin with our thoughts.

It is a mental attitude that expects good and constructive results. However, it does not deny the existence of harmful effects or things beyond one’s control. It is a way of looking at things from a different perspective. One that concentrates on solutions rather than problems.

When our thinking is positive, our attitude is positive, and we transfer a feeling of success to our colleagues. In other words – we transfer energy and enthusiasm to those around us. People feel right towards us and are more willing to help us.

Positive thinkers know that when things go wrong or unexpected result occurs, it is only momentary. That positive result is achievable.

Honesty & Integrity

Employers, business leaders, and employees can benefit from integrity in the workplace. Integrity involves moral judgment and character, honesty and leadership values. Individuals who show integrity in the workplace not only understand right from wrong but they practice it in all they do. This is beneficial in a business environment where trustworthy actions set the foundation for successful business relationships.

Treating others the way you want to be treated is the core principle of the golden rule and an example of how workers can display integrity in the workplace. Practicing the golden rule ensures that disturbances that may distract or offend others remain at bay while in a work setting. The golden rule is a reflection of respect for others.

Honesty is an optimal example of integrity in the workplace. Honesty encourages open communication between employers, employees, and co-workers. It leads to effective relationships in an organization. When workers are honest about the various aspects of their jobs that need improvement, employers can take action and help. Employers that are open about company policies and changes that affect the organization are more trustworthy from the employees' perspective.

Confidentiality is a prime example of integrity in the workplace. It is also a legal necessity. Employers have an obligation to keep specific information private. Violation of privacy policies could lead to fines, penalties, and possible lawsuits. Confidentiality instills trust and encourages serious consideration of the privacy of others.

Employers and employees can display integrity in the workplace through leading by example. When individuals lead by example, they set the foundation for appropriate workplace behavior. Leading by example improves personal awareness, sensitivity to others and accountability which are all necessary for ethical behavior and integrity.

Honesty & Integrity

Employers, business leaders, and employees can benefit from integrity in the workplace. Integrity involves moral judgment and character, honesty and leadership values. Individuals who show integrity in the workplace not only understand right from wrong but they practice it in all they do. This is beneficial in a business environment where trustworthy actions set the foundation for successful business relationships.

Treating others the way you want to be treated is the core principle of the golden rule and an example of how workers can display integrity in the workplace. Practicing the golden rule ensures that disturbances that may distract or offend others remain at bay while in a work setting. The golden rule is a reflection of respect for others.

Honesty is an optimal example of integrity in the workplace. Honesty encourages open communication between employers, employees, and co-workers. It leads to effective relationships in an organization. When workers are honest about the various aspects of their jobs that need improvement, employers can take action and help. Employers that are open about company policies and changes that affect the organization are more trustworthy from the employees' perspective.

Confidentiality is a prime example of integrity in the workplace. It is also a legal necessity. Employers have an obligation to keep specific information private. Violation of privacy policies could lead to fines, penalties, and possible lawsuits. Confidentiality instills trust and encourages serious consideration of the privacy of others.

Employers and employees can display integrity in the workplace through leading by example. When individuals lead by example, they set the foundation for appropriate workplace behavior. Leading by example improves personal awareness, sensitivity to others and accountability which are all necessary for ethical behavior and integrity.

Willingness to Learn

The first way to become a top employee is to have a willingness to learn anything from anyone. If you have this type of attitude, you'll improve your work relationships and work-related skills. No matter how good you think you might be at something, it's important to remember that you can always develop and learn new things.

Learn how to graciously accept correction and criticism from your subordinates, coworkers, and superiors. If other people understand that you can deal with correction and criticism in a healthy way, you'll receive helpful advice and guidance from unexpected places. If instead, you decide to be stubborn and take criticism and correction personally, people will be less willing to help you out and point you in the right direction.

Team Player

Being an active team player is an essential part of being a top employee. Almost all jobs involve working with other people, so it is vital to be able to communicate and work effectively with your coworkers. If you don't have the skills or attitude to be a team player, your performance and image at work will suffer. To be an active team player, you have to be able to do certain things:
- Pull your own weight
- Communicate well with your coworkers
- Help others when needed
- Be humble enough to ask for help when needed
- Work toward a common goal

If you're selfish, lazy, or incompetent, your value as an employee will drop significantly. Also, when working in teams, if you don't pull your weight, it can be easy to be left behind by your coworkers. Even if you have the desire to work hard, later on, you'll have to spend more time, to catch up.

Team Player

Being an active team player is an essential part of being a top employee. Almost all jobs involve working with other people, so it is vital to be able to communicate and work effectively with your coworkers. If you don't have the skills or attitude to be a team player, your performance and image at work will suffer. To be an active team player, you have to be able to do certain things:
- Pull your own weight
- Communicate well with your coworkers
- Help others when needed
- Be humble enough to ask for help when needed
- Work toward a common goal

If you're selfish, lazy, or incompetent, your value as an employee will drop significantly. Also, when working in teams, if you don't pull your weight, it can be easy to be left behind by your coworkers. Even if you have the desire to work hard, later on, you'll have to spend more time, to catch up.